other Caitlin’s doll the shame doll the angry high priestess being with things “time has two aspects” “i’ve got things i want to share that can’t be communicated via the usual ways” “tell her story” a cup of tea Moon stones oracle altars (2018-19) Tarot | Seeds of 2019 23/12/2018 Altar | July’s Full Moon Eclipse, for connection & liberation 29/07/2018 Altar | New year, January, full moon in Cancer 02/01/2018 Altars | New moon/full moon, stepping up & commitment 02/05/2018 Altar | Centring desire, full moon in Taurus 25/10/2018 Altar | Self-love, body-wisdom, dawn full moon 02/03/2018 Altar | New moon in Taurus, may I be fully my self 16/05/2018 Altar | Calan Gaeaf, reaching for the Moon 01/11/2019 Altar | Autumn Equinox, waxing moon, the lessons of my year 21/09/2018 Altar | Summer Solstice, showing up for desire is a daily practice 23/06/2019 Altar | Imbolc, dawn, full blue moon 01/02/2018 Altar | Imbolc, new moon, first shoots of spring 04/02/2019 Altar | Winter Solstice. Process, Pause. 22/12/2018 Altar | Full moon, lunar eclipse, the spaces between structure & freedom 18/07/2019 Tarot & Altar | New year, new year 02/01/2019