Em and I shared this one. She spent ages carefully, intuitively, choosing the stones, which she laid in a ring to hold us both.
My altar is a celebration of
the space between/
balance of/
shift back and forth between
structure and freedom. commitment and spontaneity.
Doing the work, seeing it through, and still being open to what’s new and exciting.
The burning mugwort incense from Skye (past, healing), fresh sprigs (and yarrow) in water (present, presence), and a bundle, drying, for burning at Samhain (future, dreaming).
Bones, of who-knows-who, gathered on one walk or another, a supportive square, the safety of right(ish) angles. I will do the work I came here to do. I will show up for this work, create the structures that will support me to do this work. I will do this work.
And I will not lose my spontaneity.
A wand, from a beach on the Cambrian coast, on a winter walk on the birthday of a woman who inspires me.
Thea’s Tarot: Mother (King) of Pentacles, Daughter (Queen) of Wands. Grounded in my work, secure in the foundations I am building for myself, knowing that this is nourishing, nurturing, providing for myself, my family and community. Seeing it through, and knowing that this is an act of devotion to self and something greater. Yet not losing my commitment to self, to the sparks that fly.