Category: art archive
not sorry
“Dear Data”
Choice Every Moment
Altar | Calan Gaeaf, reaching for the Moon
Untitled (Mother)
The Story of the Nether Largie Stanes
"Mooooooon!" Earth would call up into the darkness. "Gealllaaaach! Come down here and talk with me, for I long for a sister who understands me, and I feel you could be the one."
The Fucking Feminine
Then I danced
Twenty seconds in the wave came up through my body
I was sobbing
moved through it
breathed through it
I threw the weirdest shapes
got out of my head
let my body lead
This month I am experimenting with:
* Overcoming nice girl conditioning
* DESIRE / dance
* Zero fucks
Altar | Full moon, lunar eclipse, the spaces between structure & freedom
Altar | Summer Solstice, showing up for desire is a daily practice
Moon stones oracle
Altar | Imbolc, new moon, first shoots of spring
Wheel of Moons
Liberation spell
Tarot & Altar | New year, new year
Tarot | Seeds of 2019
Altar | Winter Solstice. Process, Pause.
Because the world owes me nothing
The Roman Steps
Altar | Centring desire, full moon in Taurus
Fear of Space
I am so used to resting my identity on output.
Altar | Autumn Equinox, waxing moon, the lessons of my year
Altar | July’s Full Moon Eclipse, for connection & liberation
Capricorn Full Moon
Calling in the elements: A grounding practice
A 7-minute grounding practice I created to begin an online session.