Caitlin’s doll 05/01/2024 the shame doll 31/12/2023 i touch the mountain 30/12/2023 women throwing things into fires 21/12/2023 the angry high priestess 10/11/2023 mugwort 12/08/2023 25. Cast on new ground 15/02/2023 29. The rest of what we need 15/02/2023 6. Intelligence 15/02/2023 65. there is nothing alien about nature 15/02/2023 1. All that you touch, you change 15/02/2023 2. without positive obsession there is nothing at all 15/02/2023 28. changes 15/02/2023 57. self is 15/02/2023 bone stories 22/01/2023 new year (2023) 14/01/2023 14/01/2023 a head start 13/01/2023 22/12/2022 22/12/2022 being with things 14/12/2022 geese 13/12/2022 the landing 13/12/2022 the boat 13/12/2022 the sea-wives 13/12/2022 the port 13/12/2022 the fog 13/12/2022 dreams 13/12/2022 untitled 20/06/2022 39. kindness eases change 15/02/2022 66. earthseed is adulthood 15/02/2022 self-portrait with ghost 10/02/2022 the dance 08/02/2022 “time has two aspects” 08/02/2022 “i’ve got things i want to share that can’t be communicated via the usual ways” 01/02/2022 the spider 18/01/2022 the woman 15/01/2022 “tell the story of a scar” 15/01/2022 “tell her story” 16/12/2021 At last 30/11/2021 baba yaga’s hut 24/11/2021 my house will have no sign 18/11/2021 Positive Obsession 31/01/2021 a cup of tea 27/01/2021 not sorry 28/10/2020 “Dear Data” 27/07/2020 Unpacking the white supremacy in my shop curation 01/05/2020 Choice Every Moment 02/01/2020 Altar | Calan Gaeaf, reaching for the Moon 01/11/2019 Untitled (Mother) 31/10/2019 The Story of the Nether Largie Stanes 24/09/2019 The Fucking Feminine 14/09/2019 Feed the soil, not the plant 08/09/2019 Then I danced 02/09/2019 ES-periments 01/09/2019 Altar | Full moon, lunar eclipse, the spaces between structure & freedom 18/07/2019 Altar | Summer Solstice, showing up for desire is a daily practice 23/06/2019 Defining Capitalism 04/05/2019 Moon stones oracle 07/03/2019 Altar | Imbolc, new moon, first shoots of spring 04/02/2019 Wheel of Moons 12/01/2019 Liberation spell 07/01/2019 Tarot & Altar | New year, new year 02/01/2019 Tarot | Seeds of 2019 23/12/2018 Altar | Winter Solstice. Process, Pause. 22/12/2018 Email vs doing my own thing 14/12/2018 Slow Commerce 12/12/2018 Because the world owes me nothing 12/11/2018 My name is Beth, and I am a workaholic 12/11/2018 The Roman Steps 09/11/2018 Altar | Centring desire, full moon in Taurus 25/10/2018 Fear of Space 03/10/2018 100 ways to build a feminist online tarot shop 01/10/2018 Fractals 26/09/2018 Altar | Autumn Equinox, waxing moon, the lessons of my year 21/09/2018 What is social capital? How can we be accountable to it as platform holders / business owners? 17/09/2018 Altar | July’s Full Moon Eclipse, for connection & liberation 29/07/2018 Capricorn Full Moon 27/06/2018 Calling in the elements: A grounding practice 28/05/2018 Exploring ‘abundance consciousness’ 23/05/2018 Altar | New moon in Taurus, may I be fully my self 16/05/2018 Altars | New moon/full moon, stepping up & commitment 02/05/2018 Framing the experiment 25/04/2018 Grandmother, Witch & Shadow: Lessons on leadership from the Tarot of the Crone 21/04/2018 You are the tiny person, the cupped hand, and every moon 11/04/2018 Altar | Self-love, body-wisdom, dawn full moon 02/03/2018 Altar | Imbolc, dawn, full blue moon 01/02/2018 My business is a garden, not a line 20/01/2018 Altar | New year, January, full moon in Cancer 02/01/2018 I see you, Witch 01/01/2018 I read ‘The 4-Hour Work Week’ so you don’t have to 19/07/2015