Altar | New moon in Taurus, may I be fully my self

Altar: New moon in Taurus, Manta Rota Beach.

Let it be ease-filled.
Let it be cyclical.
Let it be reciprocal.
Let it be nourishing.
Let me see the beauty in pain.
Let me understand the pain in all beauty.

May I know the difference between hard work
and struggle.

May I learn to discern what is mine
and what is not.

May I learn to let go with grace
and welcome in with an open, curious heart.

May my art be enough
my voice be enough
my movements be enough.

May I be satisfied.

May I know that I am whole.

May I be myself.

May I be fully myself.

May I let myself be enough,
exactly as I am.

Grasses, knotweed, daisies, scabious, ,allow, succulents and others that I do not know. The Empress, from the Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans.